
Archive for the ‘Health Hype and Healing’ Category

Part 5 Water and You

Health Hype and Healing

Part 5 Water and You

There is a lot of ideas going around about water. Lets begin with the facts. You need water. The body is made up of 90% water, when you include the blood in the equation.

Most people don’t drink enough water. There are many write ups on what lack of water does to the body. Let us just suffice to say, if you don’t drink your water, you will be impairing the function of your whole system. Water is needed to remove toxins and keep you looking younger, (hey, isn’t that enough!) just to name a few. But since we’ve been talking about Malnutrition and Toxicity, let us apply water to the removal of toxins.

Toxins are in the tissue as well as the colon. Water helps move things along. But the water we drink is as important as how much we drink.

Tap water

Yuk! I know the water company is trying to convince you they’ve cleaned it and its drinkable. But their idea of clean and drinkable is different from mine. Do you make dinner and think to yourself, it’s only 5% contaminated with bacteria, only an acceptable number will get sick or die? Sounds silly but the water is measured in acceptable amounts of contaminants. I’m sure the people who came to me with parasite problems,  and the ones I’ve heard of with other severe problems from drinking tap water,  didn’t find it amusing.

Reverse Osmosis

Otherwise known as RO water, is clean but doesn’t absorb well. Where we need water to be is in the cells. Most of this water goes to the bladder instead. This is why the doctor can ask a person to drink a gallon of water and come in for an ultrasound. He knows it’s all going to the bladder. This really doesn’t help the body that well, it’s harder on the kidneys and according to some water purifying company’s, it’s more on the acidic side of the pH scale. Consider this, out of a whole gallon of RO water; you’re lucky to absorb 4 ounces or ½ cup of water. I have known some who drink two gallons of RO a day to try and get hydrated but without success. Another problem is; the body retains water when it doesn’t absorb,  so water retention and swelling are a problem, especially for those with health issues such as congestive heart failure.

Distilled Water

Some people call this cloud water. Steam distilled water is much better on absorption than R.O. water.  Because its absorption rate is so much higher, water retention isn’t an issue. It’s easier to get hydrated. It isn’t going straight to the bladder, so it’s not hard on the kidneys and the acidity is more in the neutral range.

Deionized Water

This one is included because it deserves some Extreme Caution!

Do not confuse this water with Distilled. This is not a water to be ingested by living beings! I have noticed it was included in drinking waters on grocery store shelves and some of the popular “health” beverages at health stores. I was shocked and amazed, but there it was. I noted that young people drinking those drinks, showed signs of brain anemia comparable to a person 4 times their age. I don’t know what possessed the creators of these drinks to include it in them,  but don’t touch them. Literally, don’t let it touch your skin! That is my advice, take it or leave it. Deionized water is used to clean computer chips. It sucks everything off of the chip. People that work with this water don’t even let it touch their skin. They use special gloves and treat it with extreme caution. Remember to always check your labels!!!

Kangan Water (aka High Alkaline pH Water)

Before I make a few comments about High Alkaline Water, I suggest you read a short article about the importance of pH and Health. Just click on “Getting There” in the side bar,  scroll down  and click on “pH Opens The Door.”

For years I have searched for the answer to the best water to drink, to promote and assist health, but until I found out about Kangan Water, nothing really totally satisfied my search. There are a few places in the world where you can get this high alkaline water from natural sources, but it is very expensive to have shipped to your home and very expense per bottle. However, for about 36 years now, they have had a medical device in Japan that makes this same type of water for their hospitals and is recommend by hundreds of their doctors. The machine was eventually made available to the general public,  because people were coming to the hospitals to get water even after they were released, since they felt so good drinking it. The machine only became available in the United States about 7 years ago.  The Kangan water machine produces up to 9.5 alkaline water,  aiding to bring the pH of the body back into balance and absorption of nutrients to greatly increase. This, of course, will help with all aspects of the healing process, multiplying your efforts by untold amounts. To find out about sampling this water, getting a Kangan water machine for your home,  or to see more amazing information about water. Visit http://www.highenergywater.com/ *click on Contact Us and let William Borden know where you heard about it.

How Much Water Should I Drink?

If you are drinking “good” water, I  recommend drinking at least gallon a day. The general rule is 1 quart of water for every 50lbs of body weight. If a person is 150 lbs then 3 quarts would do but add in extra activities, diuretics like coffee and sugar or, living in a desert and you might as well drink the whole gallon. Put some lemon juice in it if you like. Look for other water flavoring ideas on this site.

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Health Hype and Healing

Part 4 The Cleansing Queen

You probably know someone who is really pushing cleansing. Cleansing is great, but alone, it is not going to get you healed. You may feel better, your skin may clear up for a time, you may lose some weight, but alone it isn’t the total equation. Cleansing can be overdone as well. You can cleanse so much that you end up cleansing out your nutrition and ultimately harming your health. I only recommend doing cleanses in the spring and fall, because this is when the body is naturally sloughing off more dead cells. You know the time I’m referring to. The cats are shedding and the leaves are falling off the trees around this season. However, if you have a good daily fiber combination, these bi-annual cleaning boughts become recreational and not really a necessity.

*Daily fiber is like taking out the trash regularly but cleansing is like deep cleaning the house and garage (actually sweeping behind the fridge).

Now, it’s true that your colon needs fiber but I find that most fiber combinations only really bulk up stool and absorb toxins in the colon. While this is a helpful thing to do, I want more from my fiber. I found one that combines soluble and insoluble fibers that clean out the blood stream as well as the colon. I have then seen the body finally able to release stored toxins in tissues. Now that’s a fiber supplement!

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Health Hype and Healing

Part 3 pH Balancing Gimmicks

I have seen them try, but I haven’t seen them do it.

I once saw a book called Alkalize of Die. The title is really misleading. What you really want is to balance your pH. Going too far to the Alkaline side is as bad or worse than the Acidic side.

There are few problems here. To balance the pH with what is widely available and advised you’d need to move to the country, grow all your own vegetables and experience no stress, (good luck finding no stress on a farm). No coffee, meat or sweets on the menu. Even the people I’ve spoken too who were able to try this still couldn’t make it work and ended up with other problems like blood agglutination for example.

If you are taking medication, like the vast majority these days, forget it. Doesn’t matter what you do, with the popular methods, the pH won’t balance. It doesn’t matter how many veggie’s you eat, or herbs you take, your pH won’t balance. Drugs are acid causing and throw the body into the acidic range on the pH scale. They don’t heal people and never will. They all have side effects. This is the reason a lot of natural health advisors will encourage the client to go off their medication. However, this is not always an option.

The good news is, I have found a way for the pH to balance without people immediately going off their medication and instead waiting for their bodies to heal to the point of not needing the drugs. Instead, their doctor will be able to see that their patient no longer needs the drug and can wean them off.

In summary, most pH programs out there aren’t worth your time or trouble.

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Health Hype and Healing

Part 1 Nutrition

How can you know if something being presented to you is potentially helpful or a waste of your time and money?

One way to know is to ask yourself, “does this cover the 4 elements of healing?”

Let’s start with nutritional supplements.

pH is great for getting the door open, but your supplements have to be properly balanced to do any good.

Let’s take Calcium and Magnesium for example. For Calcium to get into the bones and everywhere else it needs to go, It needs to be in equal amounts with Magnesium or less than. This is not the case with most of the products on the market. Many have calcium in a volume of twice to three times greater than the magnesium. In this combination, Calcium will not get into the places it should go, but instead, leaches more calcium from the bones and pollutes the body, ending up as cataracts, bone spurs, muscle twitches, muscle cramps and restless leg to name a few. Dr. Peter Gillium did a wonderful study on this, years ago, but the majority is still trying to figure out how to get the calcium to absorb.

Now this is just two minerals you are dealing with here. How about balancing all 72 that your body needs. You’d need to be a microbiologist to figure it out and even the best have taken years to piece this puzzle together. So good luck going to the health store and picking off a sack full of capsules to change your health. Do to unbalanced ingredients and imbalanced pH, the absorption rate to the cells from those capsules is probably somewhere around 10% but I’ve heard as bad as 5% and as optimistic as 15%. This is no where near the 5 to 7x’s nutrition you’ll need to heal. What’s even worse is that I’ve heard and talked with water treatment personnel who claim that they are dealing with massive amounts of undigested capsules in the water supply.

So they bought it, swallowed it and flushed down the drain.

Might as well flush money.

OK. How ‘bout some green drinks? Yummy. Just kidding.

I used to choke these down two to three times a day just to feel better. Well, they might absorb a bit better than capsules providing they are balanced and your pH is balanced.

There is a balanced and better tasting option than this.

What about all these juices popping up all over? Let’s see, there are juices from this island and that island and then there’s the new-old formulas. I’ve looked them over and tried them on for size and here’s what I have to say. They don’t cover all your nutritional needs and they are too expensive to take at the recommended dose. Some people can’t take them for extended periods because of their “other” effects. A formula might be old but it still doesn’t make it the answer. I have some old cook books with recipes my great grandma enjoyed but I would never use them. If you have money to throw away, this is the way to go. You’ll still need more than these tasty premium drinks to heal.

There are more cost effective ways to get your nutrition.

See “Recommendations” for suggested nutritional source. .

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Pt.2 Digestion

Health Hype and Healing

Part 2 Digestion

Enzymes, Enzymes, Enzymes. Wow, they are wonderful.

However, if you are having a digestion problem, there is something amiss. If you choose to take Enzymes, that might be o.k., if they absorb, however, it still doesn’t correct the problem that your body isn’t creating enough enzymes or hydrochloric acid. You need a nutritional supplement that will give the body what it needs to get back to creating those enzymes.

Let’s talk about heartburn/acid reflux for a moment.

This condition is created from a lack of enough enzymes and hydrochloric acid to digest everything you’re putting in your stomach. So the food sits in the stomach. It’s nice and warm in there. It starts to rot, go rancid and putrefy. Delicious, I know!

This rotting creates a gas that blows up into the esophagus along with a bit of stomach acid. This burns. People often think it means they have too much acid. The truth is they don’t have enough. If they choose the allopathic option, they run off to the doctor for ant-acids. This is a very harmful route to go. It may extinguish the burn but now the food is not digesting at all. What’s happening to the body? All those cells that needed that nutrition are going without. This is a real overall system problem with a dark future ahead. It’s like plugging up the gas tank and expecting the car to keep running.

The enzyme supplement route is definitely the better option from ant-acids but will not repair the production problem. In fact, I have seen people have to increase these supplements as they age and degenerate further. I have also found most enzymes available in stores to be less than adequate.

Gall bladder problems are a digestion problem. There is a lack of fat digesting enzymes. Kidney stones are a digestion problem, not enough hydrochloric acid to break down minerals.

Incidentally, having poor digestion ages people faster. The hardest thing the body does is break down rocks, ie minerals and without enough hydrochloric acid and enzymes, the body must really pull on it’s resources to do it’s job resulting in more aging.

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