
Posts Tagged ‘toxins’

7 Stages of Disease

If you live on planet earth and aren’t adhering to the 4 elements of healing, then this is the place to find where you currently are in the disease process.

Keep in mind that it’s up to you to reverse the disease process otherwise it will continue degenerating down thru the 7 stages. Just remember there is always hope but don’t delay or you may run out of time to work on it.

Harvey Diamond wrote a thorough piece on this subject which you are welcome to review. This is a basic overview of the 7 stages.

This is the stage where your body isn’t producing enough energy for all its 
functions. Basically, this is the first stage of malnutrition at the cellular level. 
You may feel tired, sluggish, need naps or more sleep. 
FYI to self, you need help. 
Now you’re getting junkie. Toxins start to build up in the blood, lymph’s 
and tissues. You may feel discomfort and experience even less energy 
Many people still ignoring warning signs at this point. 
The body is on the defense and speeds up its processes to unload stored 
toxins. You may experience some pain, discomfort, itchiness, nausea, 
insomnia, uneasiness, feeling jumpy, moody, nervous, depressed or anxious. 
Now it’s getting harder to ignore the health problem.
This is the most intense effort to cleanse and restore. This stage involves pain.
Toxins have usually been concentrated in a part of the body for a massive 
eliminative effort. The area becomes inflamed from the irritation of the toxic 
material. This stage involves the "itises". Other examples of conditions of 
this stage include; dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, arthritis and 
Better do something now if you are going to recover you health 
and return to a state of vibrancy.
The body has been under assault for a long time and massive amounts of 
cells and tissue are being destroyed. This is a stage of intense pain where 
lesions or ulcers can occur inside or outside the body. 
Whoa! Turn around now! 
Hardening of tissue occurs. This hardened tissue’s purpose is to encapsulate 
the toxic material so that it will not spread throughout the body. The sac is 
referred to as a tumor. This is the last stage that the body is still in control of 
its cells. If this stage is allowed to continue, cells will start to "go crazy". 
When cells will start to "go crazy", they become parasitic, living off whatever 
nutrients they can obtain, but contribute nothing to the body. These cells gone 
wild are called cancer.
This stage is usually fatal, but even so, some have arrested and reversed it at 
this point with diligent and concentrated effort. 

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The Root Cause of Disease

Ever wonder what causes health problems?

Simply put… Are you ready, I’m going to say something profound!

The root cause of disease is…Malnutrition and Toxicity.

Well, I didn’t see any lightening bolts but, this very simple statement holds the key to your success.

You’re probably sitting there like a deer in the headlights, just like I am when someone speaks to me in a foreign language. That clueless look comes from not knowing the meaning behind the words.

Let’s explore their meanings so the light will come on in your understanding.

Malnutrition is when the cells are not receiving their needed nutrients.

Let me side step a moment to say, currently there is an epidemic of overweight malnourished people. How can this be? Notice what I said isn’t receiving their needed nutrients. It’s not the mouth, or the stomach, or the blood stream, it’s the cells. An example of why weight problems are malnutrition problems is Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroid entails low metabolism for one, therefore the calories aren’t being burned at optimal rate. Basically, their Thyroid is not getting the nutrition it needs to run right so it’s poor functioning status results in a serious weight problem among other things.

Back on subject…the body is made up of about 100 trillion cells. I’m not sure how they were counted; however, each of these cells is a little machine. And, just like your car, these little machines, need fuel to keep running right. Nutrition is the fuel the cells need and multitudes lack of knowledge of what good nutrition means, or how to deliver it to their cells. I have listened to many stories of those who have tried laboriously for years to achieve the goal of feeding their cells without desired success. Some have ended up worse than they started and some have lived a life of deprivation following the latest health guru’s advice but ultimately still suffering.

Please read “The 4 Elements of Healing” to understand how the cells are feed.

Toxicity is when the body is not properly riding it ‘self of toxins.

This is called autointoxication.

The colon is one of the “eliminative” organs and is designed to work like this. You put food in your stomach; this triggers a message to the brain which triggers a message to your colon to empty out the last meal. Put one in, dump one out. Of course it’s a bit more complex than that but basically you should be making a trip to the “fecal disposal room” after each meal. For some reason, people will say things like…”I’m going to the bathroom too much.” To which I ask, “was there anything in there you wanted to keep?” Just remember, if it’s still coming out, it’s still in there. And you don’t want to be “full of it.” Actually, the colon is more of an assimilative organ rather than eliminative and just like the stomach and small intestines, it absorbs nutrients in the body. However, if your colon is full of waste matter, guess what’s getting reabsorbed into the body? You guessed it, fecal matter, toxins, and waste. When toxins are being reabsorbed into the body, this causes the pH to go acidic effecting nutrition absorption. A dirty colon makes a wonderful home for “Parasites and Candida”, but that’s another page.

Other eliminative organs include the kidneys, (drink your water), Lymphatic system, (do your exercise) and lungs (breath good air). Well explore more on these organs and keeping the colon clean in “Healthy living”.

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How the Body Works

4 Elements of Healing

I have met a sea of individuals who have focused on one or two of these elements but didn’t find the success they hoped for. The reason is that these elements that I’m going to share with you, must all be followed simultaneously to have the greatest result.

  • Nutrition: the body needs 5-7x’s the normal amount of nutrition to heal than to just maintain health. (Forget the RDA, doesn’t even come close)
  • Digestion: the stomach must have the right amount of hydrochloric acid and enzymes to properly digest the nutrition.
  • pH: is a balance between negative and positively charged ions and must be balanced in order for nutrition to enter cells. See “pH, Opens the door”
  • Elimination: toxins must be eliminated to support above processes.

Getting all these elements working together wasn’t a problem historically. However, we live in unique times. Entire classifications of vitamins and minerals are missing from supposedly healthy vegetables. Scientists and Biologists are saying that we live in a bankrupt world. The nutrition enjoyed by our great grandparents is a thing of the past. You know who I’m talking about; they ate lard, smoked cigars and drank whiskey but lived to 94 or older. Today, even if you aren’t a junk food junkie, and eat “basically healthy”, you are hard pressed to achieve success. We even hear of “health nuts” suddenly getting cancer or some other ugly disease. See “living healthy” pages to learn how to get these elements working together with ease. What the heck, why not be the envy of your friends and neighbors!

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Part 5 Water and You

Health Hype and Healing

Part 5 Water and You

There is a lot of ideas going around about water. Lets begin with the facts. You need water. The body is made up of 90% water, when you include the blood in the equation.

Most people don’t drink enough water. There are many write ups on what lack of water does to the body. Let us just suffice to say, if you don’t drink your water, you will be impairing the function of your whole system. Water is needed to remove toxins and keep you looking younger, (hey, isn’t that enough!) just to name a few. But since we’ve been talking about Malnutrition and Toxicity, let us apply water to the removal of toxins.

Toxins are in the tissue as well as the colon. Water helps move things along. But the water we drink is as important as how much we drink.

Tap water

Yuk! I know the water company is trying to convince you they’ve cleaned it and its drinkable. But their idea of clean and drinkable is different from mine. Do you make dinner and think to yourself, it’s only 5% contaminated with bacteria, only an acceptable number will get sick or die? Sounds silly but the water is measured in acceptable amounts of contaminants. I’m sure the people who came to me with parasite problems,  and the ones I’ve heard of with other severe problems from drinking tap water,  didn’t find it amusing.

Reverse Osmosis

Otherwise known as RO water, is clean but doesn’t absorb well. Where we need water to be is in the cells. Most of this water goes to the bladder instead. This is why the doctor can ask a person to drink a gallon of water and come in for an ultrasound. He knows it’s all going to the bladder. This really doesn’t help the body that well, it’s harder on the kidneys and according to some water purifying company’s, it’s more on the acidic side of the pH scale. Consider this, out of a whole gallon of RO water; you’re lucky to absorb 4 ounces or ½ cup of water. I have known some who drink two gallons of RO a day to try and get hydrated but without success. Another problem is; the body retains water when it doesn’t absorb,  so water retention and swelling are a problem, especially for those with health issues such as congestive heart failure.

Distilled Water

Some people call this cloud water. Steam distilled water is much better on absorption than R.O. water.  Because its absorption rate is so much higher, water retention isn’t an issue. It’s easier to get hydrated. It isn’t going straight to the bladder, so it’s not hard on the kidneys and the acidity is more in the neutral range.

Deionized Water

This one is included because it deserves some Extreme Caution!

Do not confuse this water with Distilled. This is not a water to be ingested by living beings! I have noticed it was included in drinking waters on grocery store shelves and some of the popular “health” beverages at health stores. I was shocked and amazed, but there it was. I noted that young people drinking those drinks, showed signs of brain anemia comparable to a person 4 times their age. I don’t know what possessed the creators of these drinks to include it in them,  but don’t touch them. Literally, don’t let it touch your skin! That is my advice, take it or leave it. Deionized water is used to clean computer chips. It sucks everything off of the chip. People that work with this water don’t even let it touch their skin. They use special gloves and treat it with extreme caution. Remember to always check your labels!!!

Kangan Water (aka High Alkaline pH Water)

Before I make a few comments about High Alkaline Water, I suggest you read a short article about the importance of pH and Health. Just click on “Getting There” in the side bar,  scroll down  and click on “pH Opens The Door.”

For years I have searched for the answer to the best water to drink, to promote and assist health, but until I found out about Kangan Water, nothing really totally satisfied my search. There are a few places in the world where you can get this high alkaline water from natural sources, but it is very expensive to have shipped to your home and very expense per bottle. However, for about 36 years now, they have had a medical device in Japan that makes this same type of water for their hospitals and is recommend by hundreds of their doctors. The machine was eventually made available to the general public,  because people were coming to the hospitals to get water even after they were released, since they felt so good drinking it. The machine only became available in the United States about 7 years ago.  The Kangan water machine produces up to 9.5 alkaline water,  aiding to bring the pH of the body back into balance and absorption of nutrients to greatly increase. This, of course, will help with all aspects of the healing process, multiplying your efforts by untold amounts. To find out about sampling this water, getting a Kangan water machine for your home,  or to see more amazing information about water. Visit http://www.highenergywater.com/ *click on Contact Us and let William Borden know where you heard about it.

How Much Water Should I Drink?

If you are drinking “good” water, I  recommend drinking at least gallon a day. The general rule is 1 quart of water for every 50lbs of body weight. If a person is 150 lbs then 3 quarts would do but add in extra activities, diuretics like coffee and sugar or, living in a desert and you might as well drink the whole gallon. Put some lemon juice in it if you like. Look for other water flavoring ideas on this site.

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