
Posts Tagged ‘cleansing’

Health Hype and Healing

Part 4 The Cleansing Queen

You probably know someone who is really pushing cleansing. Cleansing is great, but alone, it is not going to get you healed. You may feel better, your skin may clear up for a time, you may lose some weight, but alone it isn’t the total equation. Cleansing can be overdone as well. You can cleanse so much that you end up cleansing out your nutrition and ultimately harming your health. I only recommend doing cleanses in the spring and fall, because this is when the body is naturally sloughing off more dead cells. You know the time I’m referring to. The cats are shedding and the leaves are falling off the trees around this season. However, if you have a good daily fiber combination, these bi-annual cleaning boughts become recreational and not really a necessity.

*Daily fiber is like taking out the trash regularly but cleansing is like deep cleaning the house and garage (actually sweeping behind the fridge).

Now, it’s true that your colon needs fiber but I find that most fiber combinations only really bulk up stool and absorb toxins in the colon. While this is a helpful thing to do, I want more from my fiber. I found one that combines soluble and insoluble fibers that clean out the blood stream as well as the colon. I have then seen the body finally able to release stored toxins in tissues. Now that’s a fiber supplement!

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