
Posts Tagged ‘supplements’

Health Hype and Healing

Part 1 Nutrition

How can you know if something being presented to you is potentially helpful or a waste of your time and money?

One way to know is to ask yourself, “does this cover the 4 elements of healing?”

Let’s start with nutritional supplements.

pH is great for getting the door open, but your supplements have to be properly balanced to do any good.

Let’s take Calcium and Magnesium for example. For Calcium to get into the bones and everywhere else it needs to go, It needs to be in equal amounts with Magnesium or less than. This is not the case with most of the products on the market. Many have calcium in a volume of twice to three times greater than the magnesium. In this combination, Calcium will not get into the places it should go, but instead, leaches more calcium from the bones and pollutes the body, ending up as cataracts, bone spurs, muscle twitches, muscle cramps and restless leg to name a few. Dr. Peter Gillium did a wonderful study on this, years ago, but the majority is still trying to figure out how to get the calcium to absorb.

Now this is just two minerals you are dealing with here. How about balancing all 72 that your body needs. You’d need to be a microbiologist to figure it out and even the best have taken years to piece this puzzle together. So good luck going to the health store and picking off a sack full of capsules to change your health. Do to unbalanced ingredients and imbalanced pH, the absorption rate to the cells from those capsules is probably somewhere around 10% but I’ve heard as bad as 5% and as optimistic as 15%. This is no where near the 5 to 7x’s nutrition you’ll need to heal. What’s even worse is that I’ve heard and talked with water treatment personnel who claim that they are dealing with massive amounts of undigested capsules in the water supply.

So they bought it, swallowed it and flushed down the drain.

Might as well flush money.

OK. How ‘bout some green drinks? Yummy. Just kidding.

I used to choke these down two to three times a day just to feel better. Well, they might absorb a bit better than capsules providing they are balanced and your pH is balanced.

There is a balanced and better tasting option than this.

What about all these juices popping up all over? Let’s see, there are juices from this island and that island and then there’s the new-old formulas. I’ve looked them over and tried them on for size and here’s what I have to say. They don’t cover all your nutritional needs and they are too expensive to take at the recommended dose. Some people can’t take them for extended periods because of their “other” effects. A formula might be old but it still doesn’t make it the answer. I have some old cook books with recipes my great grandma enjoyed but I would never use them. If you have money to throw away, this is the way to go. You’ll still need more than these tasty premium drinks to heal.

There are more cost effective ways to get your nutrition.

See “Recommendations” for suggested nutritional source. .

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